

    New Year


    This tutorial created with PSP X6

    You can change Blend Modes according your color


    Carolaine and Sensbilty

    Mura's Filter Meister

    Alien Skin \ Eye Candy 5 Impact




    LD Women


    gold-silver-candles Criss eleg 54


    Make the foreground color :#3c1e5b

    Make the background color : #b495d4

    File - New Image 900x550

    Fill with the gradient.

    Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection- Y-1

    Fill with Pattern-Ceylan-Gold Pattern

    Selections - Modify - Contract : 3 Pixels

    Fill with White Color (#3c1e5b )

    Effects - Carolaine and Sensbilty - CS-HLines

    Selection - Select None

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,0,0,60-25 #000000

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection- Y-2

    Fill with Pattern-Ceylan-Gold Pattern

    Selection - Select None

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,0,0,60-25 #000000

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection- Y-3

    Fill with Pattern-Ceylan-Gold Pattern

    Selection - Select None

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,0,0,60-25 #000000

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection- Y-4

    Fill with Pattern-Ceylan-Gold Pattern

    Selections - Modify - Contract : 3 Pixels

    Fill with Gradient

    Selection - Select None

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,0,0,60-25 #000000

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Fill with Gradient

    İmage Free Rotate

    Effects - Carolaine and Sensbilty - CS-HLines

    Again İmage Free Rotate ( Same Setting )

    Effects-Mura's Filter Meister Perspektive Tiling

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,0,0,60-25 #000000

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection- Y-5

    Fill with Pattern-Ceylan-Gold Pattern

    Selections - Modify - Contract : 3 Pixels

    Fill with Gradient

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Open Landscape Tube kamil-217

    Edit Copy

    Edit Paste İnto Selection

    Adjust Sharpness Sharpen

    Layers - Properties -Luminance(L)

    Layers - Merge - Merge Down

    Selection - Select None

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,0,0,60-25 #000000

    Layer Duplicate

    İmage Mirror-Mirror

    Layers - Merge - Merge Down

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection- Y-6

    Fill with #b495d4

    Selection - Select None

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,1,1,100-1 #000000

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection- Y-7

    Fill with Gradient

    Selection - Select None

    Effects- Alien Skin \ Eye Candy 5 Impact-Extrude-Ceylan

    Layer Duplicate

    İmage Mirror-Reoturner

    Effects / Image Effects / Offset,0,-130

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection- Y-8

    Fill with Gradient

    Effects-Texkture - Effects-Blinds

    Adjust Sharpness Sharpen

    Selection - Select None

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,0,0,60-25 #000000

    Layers - Merge - Merge Down

    Edit-Repeat-Layer - Merge Down

    Layer Duplicate

    Image -Rezize -80

    Effects / Image Effects / Offset,12,-54

    Layers - Merge - Merge Down

    Layer Duplicate

    İmage Mirror-Mirror

    Layers - Merge - Merge Down Layer Merge-Mege Visible ( Merged )

    File-Open- Text
    Edit - Copy-
    Go back to your work.
    Edit - Paste As New Layer
    Effects - Image Effects - Offset,-360,-141
    Adjust Sharpness Sharpen

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,1,1,100-1 #000000

    File-Open- gold-silver-candles

    Edit - Copy-

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Effects - Image Effects - Offset, 354,-141

    Adjust Sharpness Sharpen

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,0,0,60-25 #000000


    Edit - Copy-

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Adjust Sharpness Sharpen

    Effects - Image Effects - Offset, 0,-9

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,0,0,60-25 #000000

    Image Add Borders-1-pixels foreground color : #000000

    Image Add Borders-10-pixels foreground color : #ffffff

    Image Add Borders-1-pixels foreground color : #000000

    Image Add Borders-50-pixels foreground color : #ffffff

    Image Add Borders-1-pixels foreground color : #000000

    Image Add Borders-2-pixels foreground color : #ffffff

    Image Add Borders-1-pixels foreground color : #000000

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  • You Went



    Thank You Very Much Pinuccia For Good Translation

    Thank You Very Much Pinuccia For Good Translation

    Thank You Very Much İnge Lore's For Good Translation


    This tutorial created with PSP X6

    You can change Blend Modes according your color


    -Ap (Lines

    AAA Frames



    Deco ceylan

    My Color-#fffffff/ /#202020/#FFFFFF


    Make the foreground color : #202020

    Make the background color : #ffffff

    You can adjust the Blend Mode / Opacity at your own discretion.

    We start working

    Open the new transparent image of 950 X 550 pixels

    Selection-Selec All

    File - Open -SoniaTubes_9583

    Edit Paste- Edit- Paste Into selection

    Selections - Select None

    Effects -Image - Effects -Seamless Tiling-Default

    Layers- Merge All (Flatten)

    Adjust – Blur – Radial -Blur

    Layers – Duplicate

    Effects -Ap (Lines)-Lines-SilverLining-Maxing

    Layers – Properties -Overlay-Opacity-70

    Layers – New Raster Layer

    Selections – Load/Save – Load Selection From Disk :Ceylan1

    Fill with ( #ffffff )color

    Selections – Select None

    Layers – Properties –Dodge-Opacity-70

    Effects -Image - Effects -Seamless Tiling-Default

    File – Open -ceylan-Flower

    Edit – Copy

    Go back to your work.

    Edit – Paste As New Layer

    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H , -91 V Minus ,-103

    Layers – New Raster Layer

    Selections – Load/Save – Load Selection From Disk :Ceylan2

    Fill with ( #202020 )color

    Selection -Modify Contract- 3- Pixel

    File - Open -SoniaTubes_9583.psd

    Edit Paste- Edit- Paste Into selection


    Selections - Select None

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow -0,0,60-30 #000000

    Layers – Duplicate

    Effects -Plaming Pear-Flood

    Layers-Arrange-Move Down

    Top Aktivite Top Layers

    Layers – New Raster Layer

    Selections – Load/Save – Load Selection From Disk :Ceylan3


    Fill with ( #ffffff )color

    Layers – Properties –Overlay-Opacity-70

    Selections - Select None

    Layers – New Raster Layer

    Activate Paint Brush Tool Select- Bursh -ceylankus

    Fill with ( #202020 )color

    File – Open -Deco -Ceylan-1

    Edit – Copy

    Go back to your work.

    Edit – Paste As New Layer

    File – Open -Deco Ceylan ok

    Edit – Copy

    Go back to your work.

    Edit – Paste As New Layer

    Layers – New Raster Layer

    Activate Paint Brush Tool Select- Bursh -You went-SUSTUM

    Fill with ( #202020 )color Layers – New Raster Layer

    Activate Paint Brush Tool Select- Bursh -You went

    Fill with ( #202020 )color Image- Add Borders-2-pixels foreground color : #202020

    Image -Add Borders-45-pixels foreground color : #ffffff

    Image-Rezize- 950

    Effects- AAA Frames-Foto Frame

    File – Open -SummerLady0001_VioletVixenTube

    Edit – Copy

    Go back to your work.

    Edit – Paste As New Layer

    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H , 262 V Minus ,0

    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow -0,0,60-30 #000000

    Merge all (Flatten)

    AAA Filters -Custom-Landscape

    Save JPEG

    votre commentaire

  • Islah



    Thank You Very Much Pinuccia For Good Translation

    Thank You Very Much Pinuccia For Good Translation

    Thank You Very Much İnge Lore's For Good Translation


    This tutorial created with PSP X6

    You can change Blend Modes according your color


    Alien Skin Eye Candy5
    BKg Designer sf10 II
    AAA Frames
    Special Effects 1-Rasterlines
    Mehdi -Sorting Tiles
    AAA Frames-Transparent Frame..


    Maks Ceylan
    Deco3 ceylan
    Gabry woman 136-18

    My Color-#fffffff/ /#202020/#686a9


    Make the foreground color : #686a98

    Make the background color : #ffffff

    You can adjust the Blend Mode / Opacity at your own discretion.

    We start working

    Open the new transparent image of 900 X 550 pixels

    Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - Wayv Lab

    Adjust - Blur - Radial -Blur

    Effects - Plugins - I.C. NET Software - Filters Unlimited 2.0 Paper Textures-Canvas,Fine : Default

    Effects - Simple -Pizza Slice Mirror

    Layers - Duplicate

    Image - Mirror

    Layers - Properties - - Opacity : 50

    Layers - Merge visible
    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Fill with the Color- : #686a98

    Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image :Mask_GB_52

    Layers - Merge - Merge Group

    Layers - Properties - Multiply- Opacity : 100

    File - Open - Deco -1

    Edit - Copy

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Layers - Properties - Luminance-

    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H , 0 inus ,6

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Disk :CEYLAN

    Fill with ( #FFFFFF ) Color

    Selections - Select None

    Effects -Toadies - What Are You?

    Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance

    Effects - Plugins - AP Lines - Lines - SilverLining

    Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave

    Layers - Duplicate

    Image - Mirror

    Layers -Merge-Merge Down

    Layers - Properties - Soft Light : 100

    File - Open -Deco-2

    Edit - Copy

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Layers - Properties - Luminance-

    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H , 280 ,-184

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Fill with the Color- : #ffffff

    Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image :Maks Ceylan

    Layers - Merge - Merge Group

    Layers - Properties - HardLight

    File - Open -Gabry woman 136-18

    Edit - Copy

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Image Rezize -52

    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H , -39 ,25

    Layers-Arrenge Move Down

    Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 0,0,6030 #000000

    Top Aktivite Top Layers

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Disk :CEYLAN1

    Fill with ( ##686a98 ) Color

    Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Disk :CEYLAN2

    Fill with ( #202020 )color

    Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Disk :CEYLAN3

    Fill with ( #FFFFFF)

    Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Disk :CEYLAN4

    Fill with ( #202020)

    Selections - Select None

    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H , 0 Minus ,-11

    File - Open -Deco3 ceylan

    Edit - Copy

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Layers - Properties - Luminance-

    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H , 352 ,84

    Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Disk :Islah

    Fill with ( #202020)

    Selections - Select None

    Layers - Duplicate Effects - Distortion-Effects - Wind..

    Layers -Arrenge-Move-Down Image Add Borders-40pixels foreground color : #ffffff

    Image Rezize -900

    Image Add Borders-10pixels foreground color : #dc4808

    File - Open -Kelebek

    Edit - Copy

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Layers - Merge visible

    AAA Filters -Custom-Landscape

    Save JPEG


    votre commentaire




    Thank You Very Much Pinuccia For Good Translation


    Thank You Very Much Pinuccia For Good Translation


    Thank You Very Much İnge Lore's For Good Translation


    This tutorial created with PSP X6

    You can change Blend Modes according your color


    Filters Unlimited -2.0-




    AAA Filters -Custom-Landscape

    AAA Filters

    -AAA Frames




    Criss 1468

    3543 - woman - LB TUBES



    Make the foreground color :#fffff

    Make the background color : #202020

    We start working

    Open the new transparent image of 9O0 X 500 pixels

    Selection-Selec All

    File - Open -Leaf

    Edit Paste- Edit- Paste Into selection

    Selections - Select None

    Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

    Adjust - Blur -Radial Blur

    Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

    Filters Unlimited -2.0- Effects - Encadrements-Bouton rectangulaire-

    File – Open -Gül

    Edit – Copy

    Go back to your work.

    Edit – Paste As New Layer

    Layers - Properties -Multiply-Opacity-80

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Fill with the gradient.-fadforetrans

    Layers - Properties -Overlay 

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Selections – Load/Save – Load Selection From Disk :GraphiCeylan

    Fill with the gradient.Fading white

    Selections - Select None

    Effects -Edge Effects -Erode

    Effects - Image Effects -Seamless Tiling


    Effects -Toadies-Weaver...Default

    Effects -AP(Lines)Lines-Silverlining-Breaks-Default

    Layers - Properties -Overlay

    Layers - Arrange-Move Down

    Top Layer Active


    Effects -Toadies-What Are You?...-Default-20-20

    Effects -Geometric-Effects -Skew

    Drop shadow: 0/0/60/20-Color White

    Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

    Layers - Arrange-Move Down

    Top Layer Active

    Effects -Edge Effects -Enhance


    Edit - Copy-

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Effects / Image Effects / Offset,271,0

    Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Activate Paint Brush Tool Select-Atlantistin1

    Fill with ( #000000 ) Color

    Layers - Properties -Soft Light

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Activate Paint Brush Tool Select-Atlantistin2

    Fill with ( #000000 ) Color

    Layers - Properties -Hart Light

    Layers - New Raster Layer

    Fill with the color : #ffffff

    Layers – New Mask Layer – From Image (NarahsMasks_1668)

    Layers – Merge – Merge Group

    Layers - Properties -Overlay

    File-Open- women

    Edit - Copy-

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H ,-202 V Minus ,26


    File-Open- Text-Atlantistin1

    Edit - Copy-

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H ,-136 V Minus ,-222


    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,2,2,60-2 #000000



    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H ,0 V Minus ,-457


    Layers - Properties -Opacity-26

    Edit - Copy-

    Go back to your work.

    Edit - Paste As New Layer

    Effects - İmage Effects - Offsett H ,271 V Minus ,0


    Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow ,0,0,60-30 #000000

    Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

    Image Add Borders-5-pixels foreground color : #fffff

    Effects -AAA Frames-Foto Frame


    Merge all (Flatten)

    AAA Filters -Custom-Landscape

    Save JPEG

    My Versionlar

    Translation-Thank You Very Much


    Translation-Thank You Very Much

    votre commentaire
  • Dünya

    Do not be fooled
    In this world

    Bu Dünya'da

    Filters Unlimited 2.0 kurulmuş-&
    Effects-Flaming Pear-Flexify 2


    Foreground Color #556b9b

    Background Color #ffffff

    Let's Start

    1- Open 900 * 600 New Transparent Image
    2-Selections Select All
    3- Open Image Dünya Edit - Copy
    4- Edit- Paste Into selection
    5-selecti None
    6-Effects -Art Media -Effects-Brush Storokes

    7-Bkg Designer sf10 I-Effects-Circus Maximus

    8-Adjust - Sharpness-Sharpen
    9-Layers - Duplicate


    14-Layers - Opacity -70
    15-Layers -Merge-Down
    16- Effects-Simple-Pizza Silice Mirror
    17-Layers - Duplicate
    18-Layers - Mirror
    19-Layers - Opacity 50
    20-Layers -Merge-Down

    22-Selections Select All
    23-New Layer
    24-Open Dünya Edit - Copy

    25-Edit- Paste Into selection
    26-selecti None
    27-Effects-Flaming Pear-Flexify 2

    28-Image - Resize 55

    29-Effects - Image Effects - Offset-0- -120

    30- Layers - Duplicate
    31-Image Filip
    32-Layers -Merge-Down
    33- Effcets - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 0,0,40,7 Black
    34-Layers new raster layer fill with #ffffff
    35-Layers mask layer from image -Maskanimabelle
    36-Merge group merge.


    38-Open -heidis- Manzara resmimiz- Edit - Copy
    39-Edit - Paste as new Layer
    40-Adjust - Sharpness-Sharpen
    41- - Selections -Load Save Selection-Load selection-From Dünya -Selection-

    42-Selections-Promote Selection.to Lager
    43- Aktif-Lager-- Opacity -50

    44-Selections-Modify-Select- Selection-Borders-5

    45-Selections-Promote Selection.to Lager
    46Lager-Arrenge-Biling to Top
    47-Fill the Selection With color
    selecti None
    48-Effcets - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 0,0,80,17,39 Black
    49-Layers new raster
    50-Paint Brush tool - Brush Cloud
    51- Image Add Borders

    52- Image - Add Borders 40 px #556b9b

    53-Activate Magic wand And Select
    54-New Layer

    56-Layers - Opacity -61
    selecti None
    57-Image - Add Borders 1 px
    58--Open -irina tube- Edit - Copy
    59-Edit - Paste as new Layer
    60-Image - Resize-85

    61-Effcets - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 0,0,40,28 Black
    62-Effects - Image Effects - Offset-140- -3

    63-Adjust - Sharpness-Sharpen
    64-Open -Dünya Deco- Edit - Copy
    65-Edit - Paste as new Layer
    66-Layers -Merge-Arenge-Move Down
    67-Image Add Borders 1-
    68-Open - Textures Dünya- Edit - Copy
    69-Effcets - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 1,-1,80,1 Black
    70-Edit - Paste as new Layer
    71-Layers - Merge All (Flatten)
    72-File - Export - Optimized JPEG

    Cok Tesekkür Kamil Abi

    By Ata cok tesekkürler
    Tamer abi cok tesekkürler

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